We help unlock marketing impact through the understanding and adoption of data and technology.

What we do

Skeleton Key is an independent, data and technology services company. We provide solutions and resources to unlock and uplevel the understanding, adoption and effectiveness of data-driven marketing. We deliver our services in the following ways mapping to a continuum going from foundational understanding to executional impact.

What we do

Skeleton Key is an independent data and technology company. We provide solutions and resources to unlock and uplevel the understanding, adoption and effectiveness of data-driven marketing. We deliver our services in the following ways mapping to a continuum going from foundational understanding to executional impact.


Strategic & tactical solutions through expert advisory & implementation services

We empower agencies and marketers to unlock marketing impact through data and technology. We offer customised solutions, ranging from targeted advice to full-scale implementation, ensuring we meet your specific goals. Whether you require a specialized solution for a specific challenge or a comprehensive long-term strategy, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Our solutions are organised as follows:

Data + Tech Strategy

  • Data + Tech Evaluation
  • Maturity Roadmap
  • Tech Stack Architecture
  • Platform Selection

Marketing + Advertising Tech

  • MarTech + AdTech Implementation
  • Data Capture + Onboarding
  • Data Governance
  • Platform Operations

Data Intelligence + Activation

  • Audience Frameworks
  • Insights + Enrichment
  • Data Activation
  • Value-Based Optimisation
  • Measurement + Attribution
  • Data Visualisation


Strategic & tactical solutions through expert advisory & implementation services

We empower agencies and marketers to unlock marketing impact through data and technology. We offer customised solutions, ranging from targeted advice to full-scale implementation, ensuring we meet your unique needs and budget. Whether you require a specialized solution for a specific challenge or a comprehensive long-term strategy, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Our solutions are organised as follows:

Data + Tech Strategy

  • Data/Tech Evaluation
  • Maturity Roadmap
  • Tech Stack Architecture
  • Platform Selection

Marketing + Advertising Tech

  • MarTech + AdTech Implementation
  • Data Capture + Onboarding
  • Data Governance
  • Platform Operations

Data Intelligence + Activation

  • Audience Frameworks
  • Insights + Enrichment
  • Data Activation
  • Value-Based Optimisation
  • Measurement + Attribution
  • Data Visualisation

Data and Tech
Maturity Diagnostic

A free self-serve assessment of your brand’s marketing data and technology maturity.

Data & Tech Evaluation

A holistic review of marketers’ data and tech strategy for actionable strategic and tactical recommendations.

Data and Tech Maturity Diagnostic

A free self-serve assessment of your brand’s marketing data and technology maturity.

Data & Tech Evaluation

A holistic review of marketers’ data and tech strategy for actionable strategic and tactical recommendations.


Resources and instruction from first principles to advanced concepts

Our approach focuses on communicating the foundational principles and fundamental concepts of data and technology in marketing versus the more common hands-on-keyboard training. We do so by:

  • Demystifying subjects by breaking them down to first principles and core concepts.
  • Contextualising topics within the greater marketing ecosystem.
  • Explaining the basic technical mechanics at play within the different parts of the ecosystem.

We aim to equip clients and practitioners with the essential context and knowledge to better understand industry trends, engage stakeholders in productive discussions, improve strategic knowledge and ultimately, add value to their roles. We cover a diverse range of industry topics and can tailor our solutions to your specific needs and preferences, ensuring a convenient and impactful learning experience for you and your team.

Topics covered include the following


Resources and instruction from first principles to advanced concepts

Our approach focuses on communicating the foundational principles and fundamental concepts of data and technology in marketing versus the more common hands-on-keyboard training. We do so by:

  • Demystifying subjects by breaking them down to first principles and core concepts.
  • Contextualising topics within the greater marketing ecosystem.
  • Explaining the basic technical mechanics at play within the different parts of the ecosystem.

We aim to equip clients and practitioners with the essential context and knowledge to better understand industry trends, engage stakeholders in productive discussions, improve strategic knowledge and ultimately, add value to their roles. We cover a diverse range of industry topics and can tailor our solutions to your specific needs and preferences, ensuring a convenient and impactful learning experience for you and your team.

Topics covered include the following

Who we are

Our purpose is to unlock understanding, inspiration and effectiveness in the marketing data and technology space. ‘Aha’ moments of insight among clients and practitioners. We do so strategically and tactically. Via point solutions and education. This is supported by the following values:

Who we are

Our purpose is to unlock understanding, inspiration and effectiveness in the marketing data and technology space. ‘Aha’ moments of insight among clients and practitioners. We do so strategically and tactically. Via point solutions and education. This is supported by the following values:

Who we are

Our purpose is to unlock understanding, inspiration and effectiveness in the marketing data and technology space. ‘Aha’ moments of insight among clients and practitioners. We do so strategically and tactically. Via point solutions and education. This is supported by the following values:


Foundational tech and marketing concepts on top of which understanding can be built


One can’t think outside the box until they know their way around it


Things are rarely black and white. We help sift through the grey.


Never lose the human forest for the data and tech driven trees.


The industry evolves alongside tech. Never stagnant. Neither are we.


We have no interests other than providing the best solutions for our clients and audience.

From the Codex

Our latest content covering industry concepts, technical explainers, commentary and more 


Everything you wanted to know about Identity Graphs (but were afraid to ask)


The Context of Personalised Advertising


The Modern Marketing Measurement Field Guide


Incrementality as the North Star and Ground Truth for Marketing Measurement


Everything you wanted to know about Data Clean Rooms (but were afraid to ask)


The Modern Measurement Triad

How can we help?

If you think we can help or simply want to learn more about who we are and what we do, drop us a line. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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