Enabling Value-Based Optimisation | Part 2

In part 2 of our deep-dive into Value-Based Optimisation (VBO), we examine how marketers can define, assess, share and evolve the value VBO brings. We’ll also explore time and space constraints within ad optimisation, how modern attribution is being fortified with durable first party data, and how to best prepare for VBO and measure its outcomes. Specific sections are outlined as follows:

  • Part 1 recap
  • A 5-step framework to enable VBO
  • How to select the right KPI(s)
  • Time and space constraints to be aware of when deploying VBO
  • How durable first party data can be used to improve attribution  
  • Different methods of sharing value-based data with auto-bidder
  • How to translate business KPI(s) to media optimisation KPI(s)
  • Considerations for building a measurement and optimisation plan to support VBO   

Specific sections can be accessed using the chapter markings in the YouTube player. 

Part 1 of this series can be viewed here.

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