Data and Tech Maturity Diagnostic

A free self-serve assessment of your brand’s marketing data and technology maturity.

Data and Tech Maturity Diagnostic

A free self-serve assessment of your brand’s marketing data and technology maturity.

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, brands must continuously adapt and innovate to stay ahead. Our free Data and Tech Maturity Diagnostic is designed to help you evaluate your organisation’s current capabilities and identify areas for optimisation. It delivers insights into your data strategy and technology infrastructure while also providing next steps and recommendations for advancement along the maturity curve. The assessment evaluates five key categories essential to data and technology maturity:

  1. ORGANISATION AND PEOPLE – The alignment of your organisational structure, skillsets, and culture with data-driven goals.
  2. TECHNOLOGY AND STRATEGY – Your data strategy, technology stack, and their strategic alignment with business objectives.
  3. DATA CAPTURE AND ORCHESTRATION – Your data capture processes and data integration and orchestration across systems.
  4. INSIGHTS AND ACTIVATION – How effectively you generate actionable insights and deploy data across marketing activity and operations.
  5. MEASUREMENT AND REPORTING – Review your measurement frameworks, KPIs, and reporting mechanisms to ensure they support informed decision-making.
Data and Tech Maturity Questionnaire


First tell us a little about yourself and your organisation.

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  • EXPLORE OUR SERVICES – Check out our full range of advisory and execution solutions to implement recommendations and transform insights into actionable strategies.
  • GO DEEPER – Opt for our Data and Tech Total Scan service for in-depth analysis and tailored recommendations to elevate your marketing capabilities.
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