Enabling Value-Based Optimisation | Part 1

Value-based optimisation (VBO) or value-based bidding allows marketers to generate business value, unlocking KPIs such as revenue, lifetime value, retention, margins and more. With many ways to ingest first party data and assign value to optimisation levers, advertising platforms are making VBO more accessible, versatile and powerful. In Part 1 of our 2 part series on VBO, we explore the following:

  • What VBO is and why do it
  • The types of challenges VBO solves for
  • How ad optimisation works and how it enables VBO
  • Five methods of VBO
  • An example of VBO in action using a B2B business with a 90-day revenue KPI
  • Five considerations when choosing a VBO method

Specific sections can be accessed using the chapter markings in the YouTube player. 

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